
Life Update {April 19th 2016}


I spent most of the day helping at an estate sale, and when I returned home, got all my mopping, dishes and laundry out of the way. I was desiring a much needed nap, and before I meandered in to the bed, I realized I have been neglecting all of you. My mental state is not sharp enough at current to write a collectively informative post, so I hope that a life update will do. I haven’t done one in some time. I now am poised in front of the laptop with a cup of Queen Catherine Tea.

I know that so much happens once weather breaks in Northwest Ohio, and that is a very true statement. So much has happened, and yet, anger inducing so much is still the same. My husband and I have put off house hunting, and focused more on paying off what little debt we have and prolonging our home search further into next year. The market here hasn’t been the best, not many people are selling, and it is hard to find what we are looking for.

On the up side, My husband’s Trade Name was granted to us this past week. He is now operating officially under Lead Foot Customs. We still have plans to launch a Youtube show, all of our vehicular mayhem and odd ways of living involved, but it has been one technological difficulty after another. We are now saving up for better equipment in hopes to launch the show in June. He has been so busy keeping the cash flow rolling in, we don’t get to spend much time together, But I know these things only last for a season. I pray for continued renewal and fulfillment from His Spirit so that we may press on with God’s plan in our lives.IMG_9625

It’s been nice these past few days, we had a chance to take the 50 out for a cruise and stumbled upon some amazing abandoned farm houses.

I adopted six baby ducklings and decided to raise them since there’s been a predator out and around the farm. They have been inside with me, warm and safe. You can follow their little adventures on my instagram: SweetBabyCadillac


My horse is still off work healing from her injury. It has felt like a year in my brain that she has been dealing with this fracture, and the repercussions from being inside so much healing from said fracture. Her ulcers were flaring, She began stocking up, and has all around been an irritable witch. She’s been able to go outside all this past week which has been a God send. I want to ride so bad, but I am mildly discouraged at the amount of work I have ahead of me to get her back on track. It’s exhausting to just think about it.


Speaking of, I have been dealing with increased fatigue and symptoms from my endo. I did switch contraceptives, and to my dismay have been having the worst reactions imaginable. My husband {Bless him for taking one for the team} Has agreed that he and I will work on purging my systems of all un natural hormones and try from a clean slate in six months. In the mean time, we will be using “rain hats” and other more natural methods to ward off the possibility of a family. I have barely been able to get out of bed, or have a pain free day in two months. I just want my old life back, acne and weight gain free!


I hope all of you have been well, and are enjoying your seasonal transitions wherever in the world you may live. Summer is going to bring so much new excitement and I just cannot wait to share it with all of you. So please stay tuned for the Youtube series, as well as some amazing blog posts as car show season gets into full swing. God Bless and Good Day!

XOXO Sweet Baby Cadillac


4 thoughts on “Life Update {April 19th 2016}

  1. I don’t know if it will help, or if you can even use it with Endo, but I had the least symptoms and problems with the Nuva Ring, personally. Unfortunately they took me off Hormonal Contraceptive all together after finding out that I had Migraines with Auric Disruption (a condition that was ironically actually made better while I was on Hormonal Contraceptives, and which only started recurring after I was taken off them. Yet they fail to listen to me). I wish you luck in starting over, and hope you get to feeling better soon ❤


    1. I used the Nuva Ring for three years and I LOVED it. It made me feel so great. Then all of a sudden I was getting Yeast infections like crazy. Every month and I could not get rid of them no matter what my doc and I tried. They came right back. He suggested getting off the ring because it was making my PH go crazy. So I did, and no more infections, but my side effects are insane. I miss my ring. We may re try it once I purge the hormones from my system. I have been on some form
      Of contraceptive since 15. And I have tried just about everything on the market except IUD’s. So I’m at a stand still. I do appreciate your help very much though!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I had the same problem. I found that wearing those diabetic surgical grade gloves (walmart) when you put it in, and taking it out for 2 hours once a week helped a lot with it (the max you can leave it out is 3 hours). I really hope that if you try it again you have better luck with it this time- God Willing. You don’t deserve to be in that much pain so often 😦


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